Our Family History
The Genealogy of the Surname Family
Jensen Maren
ca. 1818 --
Navn Jensen Maren Fødsel ca. 1818 Køn Kvinde Notater - She did not live together with Christian Wilhelm Sally in 1845, but she did in 1850. Since Christian Sally is born in 1841, it could indicate, that he was adopted.
Person-ID I370 heinricy1 Sidst ændret 8 dec. 2008
Familie Sally Christian Wilhelm, f. 24 jun. 1799 Ægteskab Type: They were not married, she was 'housekeeper' Børn 1. Sally Christian, f. 1841 2. Sally Peter, f. 1847 Familie-ID F109 Gruppeskema | Familietavle Sidst ændret 8 dec. 2008