Our Family History
The Genealogy of the Surname Family
Heinricy Nathan Curtis
1973 --
Navn Heinricy Nathan Curtis Kælenavn Nate Fødsel 01 dec. 1973 USA Køn Mand Notater - Born in NC.
Minot, ND
Fayetteville, NC
US public records index
Source : Donna Toileen Heinricy
He was married in 2008 and was identified as son of Nancy, which could indikate, that his father was ded, or that the parents was divorced.
Person-ID I1123 heinricy1 Sidst ændret 5 jul. 2010
Far Heinricy Michael Curtis, f. apr. 1949, CO Mor Horvath Nancy Lynne, f. 1949, USA Ægteskab 20 dec. 1968 Skilsmisse dec. 2000 Familie-ID F385 Gruppeskema | Familietavle
Familie McDonald Wendi Danette, f. 25 aug. 1971, USA Ægteskab 1995 Skilsmisse 2005 Børn 1. Heinricy FF Familie-ID F386 Gruppeskema | Familietavle Sidst ændret 9 jan. 2009
- Born in NC.